Life Transformation Coach

Hello, I’m Sandra and I’m a Life Transformation Coach, helping creatives recraft and consciously create their life after heartache. Grief and loss are unavoidable parts of life that most of us are not taught how to deal with.
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I can help you with:
In my late forties I found myself struggling emotionally, mentally and physically in the wake of relationship breakdown and two divorces. I wanted the second half of my life to be better than the first but I had no idea how or where to start to make the changes I needed to make.
The next few years took me on a journey of self discovery that literally opened my eyes to a whole new me. I learnt how important it is to process and release painful emotions to let go of the past. I recognised how the death of my father when I was a young girl had impacted my life and I began to reconnect with the creative, spiritual part of myself again too.
Grief and loss are unavoidable parts of life that most of us are not taught how to deal with. I was a wife, a mother, a teacher. But without these roles to play, who was I? I didn't know and I felt lost and alone.
My life experiences have helped shape who I am as a coach. I offer emotional healing and self development coaching to wonderful men and women who want to recreate their life after divorce and bereavement.
Carrying around painful memories and negative emotion blocks us from tapping into our creative genius. I believe passionately in engaging the whole brain through fun and hands-on experience. If you're struggling to move forward after life pulls the rug then I invite you to book a no obligation call with me and let's have a chat.
Sandra’s qualifications include:
BA Hons and CT ABRSM (Certificate of Teaching with The Associated Board of the Royal School of Music) with over 26 years’ teaching experience.
Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist
Sandra has mentored people all over the world as a Master Guide for a six-month self development program based on the teachings of the Master Key System.
Sandra has been running creative self development courses and programs since 2014 and offers an online program called the 'Consciously Create Academy,' a monthly self awareness and creative art program for emotional well-being.